7 Struggles Of Every Makeup Addict As Told By Grey’s Anatomy

Hello everyone! I posted this on BuzzFeed Community and I thought it was different and more comical than some of my other blog posts, so I figured it would be nice to share it here as well! I hope you enjoy my list of makeup struggles in relation to one of my favorite shows!

1. When you just NEED that new palette that came out but you’re trying to save money

It’s hard to control yourself. Anyone who has an addiction to makeup knows the internal debate you have with yourself every time you enter Sephora or Ulta. Even though you already have 50 palettes at home, adding one more to your collection seems better than saving money.

Via theodysseyonline.com

It’s hard to control yourself. Anyone who has an addiction to makeup knows the internal debate you have with yourself every time you enter Sephora or Ulta. Even though you already have 50 palettes at home, adding one more to your collection seems better than saving money.

2. When your wings just don’t look the same

We all have bad makeup days. Maybe you're in a rush, or have some bad lighting. It happens. We’re human, after all (as my husband Derek points out). But there's nothing more frustrating than when you were hoping to look your best, but instead have some uneven eyeliner.

Via giphy.com

We all have bad makeup days. Maybe you’re in a rush, or have some bad lighting. It happens. We’re human, after all (as my husband Derek points out). But there’s nothing more frustrating than when you were hoping to look your best, but instead have some uneven eyeliner.

3.When you forget to wash your makeup brushes and your skin suffers the consequences

Cleaning makeup brushes is such a tedious, but important task, and we realize this only when we start to break out from all the bacteria living on our brushes. Ew!

Via fanforum.com

Cleaning makeup brushes is such a tedious, but important task, and we realize this only when we start to break out from all the bacteria living on our brushes. Ew!

4. When you have 500 lipsticks and are starting to run out of room in your makeup drawer

The addiction is real. Before you know it, you have lipsticks of every single possible shade of pink, plus a very crazy colors thrown in for fun. Then you’re drowning in lipsticks with nowhere to put them.

Via media.giphy.com

The addiction is real. Before you know it, you have lipsticks of every single possible shade of pink, plus a very crazy colors thrown in for fun. Then you’re drowning in lipsticks with nowhere to put them.

5. When you’re on the last drop of $50 foundation and know you have to go broke to buy a new one

That inevitable moment always comes. You buy an expensive foundation, use it every day, and soon enough it’s gone and you're forced to fork over the money all over again to continue to have that flawless face.

Via huffingtonpost.com

That inevitable moment always comes. You buy an expensive foundation, use it every day, and soon enough it’s gone and you’re forced to fork over the money all over again to continue to have that flawless face.

6. When you drop your favorite highlighter and you don’t know if it survived the fall

The scariest moment is having to pick up a product that you dropped to the ground and PRAY it didn’t crack because that would be such a waste of precious makeup (not to mention a waste of money too).

Via seasonofbloom.wordpress.com

The scariest moment is having to pick up a product that you dropped to the ground and PRAY it didn’t crack because that would be such a waste of precious makeup (not to mention a waste of money too).

7. When you try out new makeup trends and fail miserably

There's always some sort of new makeup trend going around, whether it be over lining your lips, bolder brows, or cut crease eyeshadow. Trying these out for the first time can make you feel inexperienced, and sometimes looking like a clown. Just remember: practice makes perfect!

Via tumblr.com

There’s always some sort of new makeup trend going around, whether it be over lining your lips, bolder brows, or cut crease eyeshadow. Trying these out for the first time can make you feel inexperienced, and sometimes looking like a clown. Just remember: practice makes perfect!