My Everyday Makeup Routine

Hey guys! I don’t know about you, but I have a go-to makeup look. When I have somewhere to be, but need to get ready semi-quickly, I always have a certain look in mind, so I figured I would share it with you all!

This look tends to always look about the same, although I use a variation of specific products that are just whatever I’m feeling that day! I always use the same type of makeup, however, and am going for the same overall look: a natural, glowy face.

Here is my routine and the go-to products as of lately:

For my face:

I use my typical foundation routine, where I switch between the Fenty Beauty Foundation or the IT Cosmetics CC Cream (I know, I know I keep talking about this but it’s so good!). I also use some of my Colourop Concelaer, and set it all with my Rimmel Stay Matte Powder.

Next, I add a little extra to my face with some of my Nars Blush, and my Colourpop Bronzer, and a golden highlight from PUR.

For my eyes:

I have been loving centering my look around the glow, so I use a matte eyeshadow in the crease, lately one from my Tartelette Palette, and then a sparkly shade on my lid: the golden shade from this Colourpop Palette.

When I’m going for this more natural look, I will usually skip eyeliner all together. I just pop some Butter London Mascara on my lashes and I’m good to go!

Essential for a glowly look is my inner corner highlight color, which is Colourpop’s, Supershock Highlighter in Flexitarian.


I just recently got the Fenty Beauty Gloss Bomb from my friend for my birthday, and it’s such a beautiful gloss. It doesn’t leave my lips dried out and has a sort of golden sheen to it, making it the perfect addition to my glowly look!

Here’s a photo of me and my friend (the one who gave me the Fenty Gloss, so thank you Maya), where I’m wearing this look!

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What’s your go-to look? Let me know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!
